FWTF View Source

FWTF View Source


Advanced AI Powered FWTF View Source Code Tool
Advanced AI Powered FWTF View Source Code Tool

FWTF View Source Tool

Introducing FWTF View Source Tool

Welcome to FWTF View Source Tool, the essential utility for efficiently managing and viewing website code. Designed for both seasoned developers and those new to coding, this tool provides a comprehensive set of features to simplify your coding tasks and enhance your productivity.

Key Features:

  • Multi-Language Code Editors: Effortlessly work with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript using our versatile editors. Switch between tabs to handle various aspects of your code with ease.
  • Real-Time Live Preview: View your code changes instantly with the live preview pane. This feature updates in real time, allowing you to see exactly how your edits will affect your site.
  • Code Retrieval: Fetch and view the source code from any website by entering the URL and clicking the “View Code” button. This feature loads the HTML content into our editor for straightforward modifications.
  • Code Beautification: Improve the readability of your code with our beautification tool. Automatically format your code for a cleaner and more organised appearance.
  • Code Minification: Optimise performance by using our minification tool to remove unnecessary whitespace and comments, reducing file sizes and improving load times.
  • Copy & Download Options: Easily copy code to your clipboard or download it as an HTML file. Save your work individually or as a ZIP archive for convenient management.
  • Search Functionality: Quickly locate specific code snippets using our search feature. Highlighted results simplify navigation and editing tasks.

User Instructions:

  1. Retrieving Code: Input the URL of the desired website into the input field and click the “View Code” button. The HTML source will be displayed in the HTML editor for editing.
  2. Editing Code: Navigate between the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript editors using the tabs provided. You can type directly into the editors or paste code from other sources.
  3. Using Live Preview: Monitor your changes in real-time with the live preview feature, which automatically updates to reflect your edits.
  4. Beautify and Minify Code: Click the “Beautify Code” button to format your code neatly, or the “Minify Code” button to compress your code by removing excess spaces.
  5. Copying and Downloading: Use the “Copy Code” button to copy code to your clipboard, or select “Download HTML” and “Download as Zip” to save your work.
  6. Searching Code: Enter search terms into the search box to find specific code segments. Highlighted results help you edit your code more efficiently.

Tips and Suggestions:

  • Regular Saving: Frequently save your work and back up important files to avoid data loss. Use the available download options to keep secure copies of your projects.
  • Best Coding Practices: Familiarise yourself with best coding practices to enhance code quality and efficiency. Good practices ensure maintainability and optimal performance.
  • Maximise Live Preview: Utilise the live preview feature to test and refine your code on the fly. This feature provides immediate feedback, ensuring your changes meet your expectations.
  • Organise Your Code: Maintain a library of frequently used code snippets to speed up your workflow. This approach enhances consistency and saves time across projects.


  • HTML Beautifier: Tool for formatting and cleaning up HTML code.
  • CSS Beautifier: Tool for improving CSS code readability.
  • JS Beautifier: For formatting and beautifying JavaScript code.
  • JSZip: JavaScript library for creating, reading, and editing ZIP files.

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