Robot Tags Generator

Robot Tags Generator


Robot Tags Generator Tool

Robot Tags Generator Tool

Robot Tags Generator Tool - User Guide

Robot Tags Generator Tool - User Guide

Step-by-Step Instructions

Follow these steps to use the Robot Tags Generator Tool effectively:

  • Access the Tool: Open the Robot Tags Generator Tool in your web browser.
  • Enter Robots Meta Tag Content:
    • Label: "Robots Meta Tag Content"
    • Field: Input box
    • Example: Enter index, follow if you want search engines to index and follow links on your page.
  • Optional User Agent:
    • Label: "User Agent (Optional)"
    • Field: Input box
    • Example: Specify Googlebot to target Google's crawler specifically.
  • Optional Disallow Directives:
    • Label: "Disallow (Optional)"
    • Field: Textarea
    • Example: Enter /private-directory/ to block access to a specific directory.
  • Generate Robot Tags:
    • Button: "Generate Robot Tags"
    • Action: Click this button to generate the robot tags based on your inputs.
  • View Generated Tags:
    • Result Area: The generated robot tags will appear here.
    • Example Output: <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow">
  • Copy or Implement Tags:
    • Action: Copy the generated tags and paste them into your website's `` section or robots.txt file.


  • Be Clear and Specific: Use precise directives like noindex, follow to control indexing and crawling.
  • Double-Check Paths: Ensure paths in "Disallow" are correct to avoid accidentally blocking important content.
  • Test Tags: Use tools such as Google Search Console to verify your tags.
  • Consult SEO Resources: For best practices, refer to Google's Robots Meta Tag Documentation.


  • Review Regularly: Regularly update your robot tags based on changes to your site content or SEO strategy.
  • Seek Professional Advice: For complex scenarios, consider consulting with an SEO expert.
  • Explore Additional Tools: Use other SEO tools to enhance your site's overall performance and visibility.

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