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Enhanced Colour Gradient Generator Tool 

Click on the link given below to use the WebTool 


The Enhanced Color Gradient Generator provides users with a simple yet powerful tool to generate custom color gradients with various shapes and animations. With an intuitive interface and real-time preview, users can easily create visually stunning gradients to enhance their web projects. Additionally, the generator offers a convenient copy code button to quickly copy the generated CSS code for further use.

**User Manual:**

1. **Color Selection:**

   - Choose the starting and ending colors of your gradient using the color pickers labeled "Color 1" and "Color 2" respectively. Select colors from the dropdown menu or input your own HEX color codes.


2. **Shape Selection:**

   - Select the shape of the gradient box from the "Shape" dropdown menu. Choose from options like "Rectangle," "Circle," or "Triangle" to customize the shape of your gradient.

3. **Animation Selection:**

   - Customize the animation of the gradient using the "Animation" dropdown menu. Choose between "None" for no animation or "Moving Gradient" for a dynamic moving effect.

4. **Generate Gradient:**

   - Click the "Generate Gradient" button to apply your selected options and preview the generated gradient in the box below.

5. **Copy CSS Code:**

   - If the "Copy Code" button is not working, you can manually select the generated CSS code displayed in the preview window by clicking and dragging your cursor over the code. Once selected, right-click and choose "Copy" from the context menu to copy the code.


- **Tip 1:** Experiment with different color combinations, shapes, and animations to create unique gradients that suit your project's aesthetics.

- **Tip 2:** Use the preview window to visualize how your gradient will look before copying the CSS code.

- **Tip 3:** If the "Copy Code" button doesn't work, ensure that your browser supports the Clipboard API. Alternatively, manually select and copy the code from the preview window.

- **Tip 4:** Test your gradients in different browsers and devices to ensure compatibility and responsiveness.

- **Tip 5:** Consider integrating the generated CSS code into your website's stylesheet or HTML elements to apply the gradients seamlessly.

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