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HTML Editor Tool

HTML Editor Tool


HTML Editor 

The HTML Editor Tool is a web-based application designed to assist developers in writing and previewing HTML code. It provides a user-friendly interface with features such as syntax highlighting, autocompletion, error checking, code folding, and live preview. The tool is suitable for beginners and experienced developers alike, offering a convenient way to create and visualize HTML content.

**User Manual:**

1. **Getting Started:**
   - Open the HTML Editor Tool in your web browser.
   - The tool consists of an editor area, where you can write your HTML code, and a preview area, where you can see the live preview of your code.

2. **Writing HTML Code:**
   - Start writing your HTML code in the editor area. You can use the syntax highlighting feature to make your code more readable. HTML tags, attributes, and content will be color-coded for easier identification.

3. **Autocompletion:**
   - As you type, the editor will provide autocompletion suggestions for tags, attributes, and attribute values. Press Tab to accept a suggestion.

4. **Error Checking:**
   - The editor will check your code for syntax errors and highlight them in red. Make sure to review and correct any errors before running the code.

5. **Code Folding:**
   - You can collapse or expand sections of your code using the code folding feature. Click on the arrow icons next to code blocks to toggle their visibility.

6. **Live Preview:**
   - Click the "Run Code" button to see a live preview of your HTML code in the preview area. Any changes you make in the editor will be reflected in the preview in real-time.

7. **Customization Options:**
   - You can customize the editor's appearance and behavior by modifying the settings in the script section of the HTML file. For example, you can change the theme, adjust the font size, or enable/disable certain features.

8. **Saving and Sharing:**
   - You can save your HTML code by copying it from the editor area and pasting it into a text file on your computer. You can also share your code with others by copying the URL of the HTML Editor Tool and sending it to them.

9. **Additional Features:**
   - Although the HTML Editor Tool provides basic functionality, you may explore more advanced features in other HTML code editors, such as support for other languages, Emmet integration, Git integration, and FTP client.

10. **Feedback and Support:**
   - If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvement, feel free to provide feedback. You can also seek support from the developer community or refer to documentation and tutorials available online.

Overall, the HTML Editor Tool is a versatile tool that simplifies the process of writing and previewing HTML code, making it an essential tool for web development projects of all sizes.

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