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Image Neural Style Transfer

Image Neural Style Transfer

The "Image Neural Style Transfer" tool allows users to blend the style of one image with the content of another image. This process creates visually appealing compositions where the content of one image adopts the artistic style of another.

**User Manual:**

1. **Upload Content Image:** Click on the "Choose File" button labeled "Content Image" to select the image whose content you want to transfer. Once selected, the content image will be displayed on the canvas.

2. **Upload Style Image:** Click on the "Choose File" button labeled "Style Image" to select the image whose style you want to apply to the content image. Once selected, the style image will be loaded.

3. **Transfer Style:** After uploading both the content and style images, the "Transfer Style" button will be activated. Click on this button to blend the style of the style image with the content of the content image. The resulting composition will be displayed on the canvas.

4. **Download Image:** Once the style transfer is complete, the "Download Image" button will be enabled. Click on this button to download the stylized image to your device.

**Extra Tips:**

- Experiment with different combinations of content and style images to achieve unique visual effects.
- Adjust the alpha value in the `blendImages` function to control the intensity of the style transfer effect.
- Ensure that the content and style images have compatible dimensions for optimal results.
- For best outcomes, choose content images with clear subjects and style images with distinct artistic styles.
- Save your favorite style transfer compositions for future reference or sharing with others.

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