URL Encoder and Decoder Tool

URL Encoder/Decoder

URL Encoder/Decoder


The URL Encoder and Decoder Tool is a web application designed to assist users in encoding and decoding URLs. URLs often contain special characters that need to be encoded for proper transmission over the internet. This tool allows users to encode special characters in a URL to percent-encoded format, as well as decode percent-encoded characters back to their original form. With an intuitive interface and easy-to-use functionality, the URL Encoder and Decoder Tool simplifies the process of handling URLs for developers, webmasters, and anyone working with web content.

**User Manual:**

1. **Input URL:** 
   - Enter the URL you want to encode or decode in the "Input URL" text area. This can be a complete URL or just a portion of it.

2. **Encode:**
   - Click the "Encode" button to convert the input URL into percent-encoded format. This will encode any special characters in the URL.

3. **Decode:**
   - Click the "Decode" button to convert the percent-encoded URL back to its original form. This will decode any percent-encoded characters in the URL.

4. **Copy to Clipboard:**
   - After encoding or decoding the URL, click the "Copy to Clipboard" button to copy the result to your clipboard. You can then paste it into your desired application or document.

5. **Reset:**
   - If needed, you can click the "Reset" button to clear both the input and output text areas and start over.

6. **Usage Tips:**
   - Ensure that the URL is properly formatted before encoding or decoding.
   - Double-check the encoded or decoded URL to ensure accuracy before copying it.
   - Use the tool for encoding URLs before embedding them in HTML documents or passing them as parameters in web requests.
   - Use the tool for decoding URLs to understand and analyze encoded URLs received from external sources.

7. **Compatibility:**
   - The URL Encoder and Decoder Tool works in any modern web browser and on various devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.
   - It does not require any installation or downloads, making it convenient to use anytime, anywhere.

With this user manual, users can effectively utilize the URL Encoder and Decoder Tool to encode and decode URLs with ease, accuracy, and efficiency.

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