Code Playground

Code Playground

Code Playground HTML Editor

Code Playground tool | html editor
Code Playground HTML Editor 

**1. The Code Playground Tool is a web-based application designed to provide an integrated code editor for writing and testing JavaScript code in real-time.

**2. Getting Started:**
- To access the Code Playground Tool, simply open the provided URL in your web browser.
- Once the page loads, you will see the code editor interface.

**3. Code Editor Interface:**
- The main area of the interface is the code editor, which uses the CodeMirror library for syntax highlighting and line numbering.
- You can write and edit JavaScript code directly in the editor.
- The editor supports various editing features such as auto-closing brackets and highlighting matching brackets.

**4. Using the Editor:**
- Write your JavaScript code in the editor area.
- You can use the provided toolbar buttons to perform actions:
  - **Clear Editor:** Clears the content of the editor.
  - **Save Code:** Saves the current code to your browser's local storage.
  - **Load Code:** Loads previously saved code from local storage.

**5. Saving and Loading Code:**
- To save your code, click on the "Save Code" button. This will store your code in the browser's local storage.
- To load previously saved code, click on the "Load Code" button. This will retrieve the saved code from local storage and display it in the editor.

**6. Error Handling:**
- If there are any errors in your JavaScript code, an error message will be displayed in a modal window.
- You can close the modal window by clicking on the close button (X).

**7. Additional Features:**
- The tool does not provide a preview window for executing code. It focuses solely on providing a code editing interface.

You can try our HTML CODE EDITOR TOOL for preview  and editing too.

**8. Compatibility:**
- The Code Playground Tool is compatible with most modern web browsers.

**9. Feedback and Support:**
- If you encounter any issues or have feedback about the Code Playground Tool, please feel free to contact the developer.

**10. Enjoy Coding!**
- Start writing and testing your JavaScript code in the Code Playground Tool. Have fun exploring and experimenting with different programming ideas and concepts!

Code Snippet Generator 

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