JavaScript plugin Generator

JavaScript Plugin Generator Tool

JavaScript Plugin Generator Tool

The provided HTML file implements a JavaScript Plugin Generator Tool, which allows users to generate code for various types of plugins: Image Gallery, Contact Form, and Social Media Sharing Buttons. The tool provides customization options for each plugin type and generates corresponding HTML code based on user input.

User Manual:
1. **Select Plugin Purpose:** Choose the type of plugin you want to generate from the dropdown menu labeled "Select Plugin Purpose." You can choose from Image Gallery, Contact Form, or Social Media Sharing Buttons.

2. **Enter Plugin Name:** Provide a name for your plugin in the input field labeled "Plugin Name." This name will be displayed as the title of the generated plugin.

3. **Customization Options:** Depending on the selected plugin type, different customization options will be displayed below the plugin name input field. These options allow you to customize various aspects of the plugin's functionality and appearance.

    - For Image Gallery: You can specify the number of images to display and adjust the width and height of the images.
    - For Contact Form: You can customize the field labels for Name, Email, and Message, as well as the text displayed on the Submit button.
    - For Social Media Sharing Buttons: You have the option to input URLs for Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn sharing buttons.

4. **Generate Plugin:** Click the "Generate Plugin" button to generate the HTML code for your chosen plugin with the specified customization options. The generated code will be displayed in the right-hand panel under the "Generated Code" heading.

5. **Copy Code:** Once the code is generated, you can click the "Copy Code" button to copy the generated HTML code to your clipboard. You can then paste the code into your HTML document or editor.

Extra Tips:
- Ensure that you provide a unique and descriptive name for your plugin to distinguish it from other plugins.
- Take advantage of the customization options to tailor the plugin to your specific needs and preferences.
- If you encounter any errors or issues, check the error message area below the plugin name input field for guidance on resolving them.
- For advanced users, you can further customize the generated code by adding your own CSS styles or JavaScript functionality as needed.

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